No, I do not have a lazy eye. My iPhone's camera, however, made it seem like I do. lol. |
If you're reading this and you've just glanced at the large block of text below, considering whether or not to read it, please do. It's pretty entertaining. ;)
I had young brides, older brides, short brides, tall brides, excited brides, overwhelmed brides, quiet brides and...well, louder brides. One such bride (I can't recall her name but if she reads this, she'll know it's her I'm talking about) began to walk past my booth, quietly skimming my photos with her eyes, very composed and quiet. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes got large and in one big, energetic movement, she turned and pretty much jumped into my booth. I'm thinking, "Okay, this is my kinda girl!" but before I could even say hello, she goes, "Okay, y'all, thank GOODNESS. I am looking for photographers who shoot blacks, and shoot them well." Uh. Pardon? She goes on, "I'm passing all these photographers and they either don't have any photos of blacks, or their blacks look yellow or orange or something." OH! Blacks. African-American. Her. At this point, I am cracking up. Without thinking, I go, "Oh! Well! I love blacks!" Bahahahaha. We actually go into a conversation about when I worked in the inner city, all about my students, etc....so funny. I tell her about Kristin, my first bride ever, who I went to high school with. Kristin is the bride in the photo that caught her eye--the "black" that wasn't yellow, I suppose, lol!--and how fun Kristin's wedding was. She takes my card, writes down her email, thanks me enthusiastically, and moves along. I was left with a huge smile on my face and admiration for her straight-forwardness (and good humor)...and, I suppose, a little bit of pride for my ability to "shoot blacks well," as she said. lol. Still laughing about this. I love brides of all colors. :)
I had one bride who was a little too pushy for my taste--the kind of girl that you could just imagine would be a super duper huge Bridezilla (side note: Bridezillas, I am not the photographer for you. I specialize in awesome, fun-loving, positive and sweet brides. Take your craziness elsewhere and save the drama for your mama, thank you. lol.), but alllll of the rest were absolute sweethearts! I loved talking with them, hearing about their dates, colors, themes, or just telling them a little more about Krista B. Photography.
My favorite part was overhearing comments like, "Oh, look at these photos.." "Look at that shot, that is so creative.." "I love that picture right there, look how natural and unposed that looks.." and so on. It gave me the boost of confidence in my work and my business that I've been needing, and now, I am 100% ready, completely ecstatic, and awesomely thrilled to jump (cannonball?) into the wedding industry. Yes.
My least favorite parts (there are two): 1. Hurty feet! :( Next time, I vow to wear more comfortable shoes. 2. During a particularly busy time in my booth, SOMEone decided to drop a fart. Right there, right in my booth. Some bride had some bean soup for dinner and just let it rip. If you were a bride in my booth at the time, please know it wasn't me..that's just bad for business. If you were a bride in my booth at the time and it was YOU, come on, lady! Keep it classy, shall we? lololol.
So, here are a few shots of our booth from our first-ever bridal show as KBP! These are taken from my phone. I know, I know, I'm a photographer...I shouldn't be snapping pics with my phone. Don't judge me. ha. ;) Here are a few pics of our booth!
That's all for now!
Later, 'gators!